Thursday, February 12, 2009

MC hammer and my overall recap of the Shorty's

Yes @MCHammer was there at the Shorrty's! I wonder how much he got paid to come or if he just wanted to come?? But all in all he was pretty cool and no, there was no Running-Man solo performance! The awards as @JamesBedell stated in the "The Scene at the Shorty Twitter Awards: Chatter" article in the NY Times, “Twitter is about community, not individual greatness. The awards were a little weird”. I had fun becuase I was there with some good people who I talk to every day. We all made fun of the fact that we were actually there. The spaceman (@matman) was interesting and I mentioned it once or twice that I felt like I was at ComicCon or a Starwars Convention (which I have never been to either of because of obvious reasons) with the little twitter buzzes all around me discussing which doornknob handle was right for a project, or what is the velocity of the Earth. The awards in itself were yes comical but a little unorganized at the begining, and def "weird".

I loved the statement from the feed that said "Just think, in 5 years this’ll be the Honda/Snapple Shorty Awards and the video will be obscured by a giant Chili’s banner". We also got a nice live video feed from Twitter co-founder, Biz Stone. He gave us all a little shout out and the crowd laughed.

I would rather create my own TweetUp with my own little tight knit click of twitterers (@GinaLaGuardia, @JamesBedell, and @TheWriteWoman) instead of watching other twitterers (that I don't follow) get awards for how much time they dedicate to twitter during the day/night and how many followers they have, who voted for them! Sorry @Gregory... good job on the event though, it ultimately was a success, had a great turn out and exceptional for networking and mingling with fellow twits!!!


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